
Motivation Monday Week of February 17

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We can all use a little extra inspiration for the week. Here’s your weekly dose of positivity!

Weekly Goal

Set yourself one goal that you plan to accomplish this week. Don’t make it an impossible goal, but one that you can easily achieve. Maybe you are trying to quit sodas or eating out. Plan to go one day without a soda, or instead drinking 4 sodas a day, you only drink 2.

My goal is to lose those 2 lingering pounds, so I can meet my next weight goal.


What is one thing that you can be thankful for?

I’m thankful that this is going to be a short week teaching. I was needing a teacher work day to get caught up after all the meetings I’ve had lately.


What win did you have last week? We all need something to be proud of even if it was a small win.

My grandson ate his first sloppy joe and liked it! This was a huge win considering he only has a few favorite things that he likes to eat.

Quote of the Week

“You never change your life until you step out of your comfort zone; change begins at the end of your comfort zone.”
― Roy T. Bennett

May we all be able to step out of our comfort zones this week and make the positive changes that we want. I plan to take this into every aspect of my life this week.

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Martha Thurston

I am a southern girl born and raised in South Carolina. I grew up knowing I wanted to become a writer. When I'm not teaching middle school ELA, I'm either writing for my blogs or writing books.

For the most part, I'm usually sweet, always sassy with a side of sarcasm, and definitely Southern.

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