My Journey

Health Journey: Check in

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First, before I get into this post, I need to state that I DO NOT recommend this.

I left my full time teaching job as of June 3rd with no plans of returning in August due to moving. With that came the cancellation of my medical insurance, and I couldn’t even get a doctor’s appointment until July 29th. Wouldn’t matter because of the no insurance and no job. Also, I ran out of my medication a month ago. Mostly all of my medication with the exception of my anti-depressants. And I need those, because I can’t go cold turkey without them.

My first concern coming off of my medications was my blood sugar and my blood pressure. Those things had a tendency to go high quickly.

Well, I guess there’s something to be said for stress. No stress meant that my blood sugar came down from 500 to just above 200 and dipping below that. I’m certain that by losing more weight, I should be able to get that back to normal or as close to normal as I can.

My blood pressure? 113/80

I almost fell out of my chair. Who knew? Stress must be a really bad culprit when it comes to health. I am down to 249 and hovering there. I hope to add some walking in this coming week, so I can then make some bigger changes in my health.

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Martha Thurston

I am a southern girl born and raised in South Carolina. I grew up knowing I wanted to become a writer. When I'm not teaching middle school ELA, I'm either writing for my blogs or writing books.

For the most part, I'm usually sweet, always sassy with a side of sarcasm, and definitely Southern.

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