
Coffee and Chit Chat

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Sorry. I have been a little MIA, but I wanted to catch you up on some details. It’s been difficult to find the time to get all of the recipes in here that I wanted to post. That’s sad, I know. For some reason, when it comes to this blog and my online store (K and R Styles), this one gets pushed aside. I’m going to try and change that as much as I can in the coming months. I do hope to get my recipes uploaded soon.

On a side note, I have started to take some vitamins. They were highly recommended on TikTok and Facebook with most people stating that the vitamins helped them reverse their graying. While I am happily content with my gray hair, if some of them decide to disappear, I wouldn’t complain. What I’m hoping will happen is that it will help with the hair thinning and nails. My poor fingernails are so thin, you could read a book through them.

The vitamins are the Mary Ruth’s Morning Multivitamin. It has pretty much everything in it except calcium, magnesium and potassium, but I take supplements for that. I’m just hoping to balance out the B and D vitamins. With depression, I know that the D vitamins play a huge part in your mood. They also help with the immune system and with diabetes. I don’t know the specifics of that, I just remember reading about it.

Today is my second day taking it. Yesterday I had a lot of energy. Not sure about my mood. I was able to withstand things that normally would put me on edge (like loud noises). I guess that helps. We’ll see tomorrow when I go to the school. Lately my classes have been loud and obnoxious. As for me, my patience has been wearing thinner and thinner.

Plus, we have to find a place to move to this week. We still haven’t found a place in my price range. And getting approval when your full time job isn’t 3 times the amount of the rent is problematic. That’s the downside to being a teacher. If you are single, you can’t afford to live anywhere. And with student loans, you definitely can’t afford anything. You can’t get approval for a house because you have too much debt and an $800 loan payment, and you only bring home $2200/month. Did I mention you only get paid once a month?

I’m sure it’ll all work out at some point. I just don’t when. It’s God’s timing and not mine.

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Martha Thurston

I am a southern girl born and raised in South Carolina. I grew up knowing I wanted to become a writer. When I'm not teaching middle school ELA, I'm either writing for my blogs or writing books.

For the most part, I'm usually sweet, always sassy with a side of sarcasm, and definitely Southern.

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